Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 20, 2009

Life Shah Alam

I never want to stay in KL or Selangor... but my husband are told to tranfer to KL head quarter...I am very2 sad leave my friends expecially faqihah babysitter -kak zai. Her family loves faqihah more than other kids in her house....they are very sad after knowing that we need to move to SA..sedih sgt2...I still remember my last day at Kolej S**, sedih sgt2...dah 3 tahun I keje kat ctu..semua baik..kecuali ade sorang minah tu..., sedih tinggalkn best friends. Kerja kat ctu tak pernah presure,even sometimes tu mcm presure..tapi boleh handle lagi...ok..la..stop all the sad memory..nak cite life I kat SA.
emm..susah sgt2..(nak tau nape), my hubby and I tak pernah duduk kl n we know nothing about kl (kat mane nak beli barang murah, nak servis kete, nak beli krim faqihah)....and I really2 tension bile I tak tau nak cari barang2 tu semua kat mane..so I slowly...cari info..tanye kawan2..n try jejalan kat kl ngan hubby. Tapi tak bestnye..shopping complex jejauh.n semuanya parking mahal...emm..kalu kat jb..(I nie suka gie jaya jusco)..banyak sgtla jaya jusco..econsave pun dekat je dgn rumah. emm....banyaknye merungut....dah ..itu jela..nanti panjang sgt...the main things..I blum explore lagi ..tapi best lagi kat jb (i think).....jgn marah ye org selangor.

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