Hari ni I balik kampung..pagi tadi faqihah still refuse minum susu..even air..I susah hati sgt2..yelah takut ape2 jadi pada dia...she haven't drink for almost 5-6 hours..I call my mom and bagi tau condition faqihah and she ask me to bring her back to kg...I ask my hubby to come home early and alhamdullilah..he got permision to go back early. We went back to kg after solat jumaat...
Progress, faqihah have recover a bit..she now want to eat and drink..Alhamdullilah...as becoz of faqihah condition, we have made desision that faqihah need to stay at kg for 1 week until she realy recover...my mother said that faqihah got infected by one baby at nursery as my mother have see the same red spot at one of the baby's body.
Faqihah .mama will be miss u..